I am doing my abs in Gym. Now gaining really !!
(Disclaimer : result may vary from person to person)
Interested patients/patient parties can book an appointment for offline (physical visit) diet consultations at our Belgharia (New clinic at MEDICA Diagnostics), Shyambazar (1 & 2), Gariahat & Siliguri chambers.
Currently, we are available as per our schedules in the above-mentioned chambers. Further, you can go with an ONLINE DIET PLAN. An online diet plan as a softcopy will be emailed to you in around 5 working days; if there is any doubt, ask within 7 days. There is a format to write (will be provided) in detail and the attachments of reports (if any) to prepare an online diet plan. We are happy to share that more than 400 diet plans have been prepared within the last few months. Thanks for selecting our service. If you need it, Call now- 9123704150 /What's app- 9903167873
Diet-Fitness is a 'Diet cum Nutrition Consultancy' run by internationally reputed FAO, CPD Global & FSSAI certified dietitian Swapan Banerjee (licensed) for all kinds of diet cum nutrition consultations & other fitness tips to any patient or person suffering from lifestyles diseases or other health issues. He is also certified by IDF (International Diabetes Federation) & UNICEF. He is the author of 'Psychological Disorders & Nutrition: A handbook on diet & nutrition for mental health: ISBN- 978-1794434042, 'Human Unity & Malnutrition' ISBN: 978-1386776499 and 'Disease & Diet -A handbook on home-based dietary management': ISBN:978-1092857185 and 'Nutritional Management for COVID-19 & Comorbidities: A handbook on right nutrition for common & comorbid people'. ISBN: 979-8628371671 available on Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Nobel, Baker & Taylor, and more popular online book stores/publishers. He is working day in and day out for his personal interest or organizational profit and community work. A team of highly skilled dieticians headed by Dt. Banerjee is fully dedicated to all types of scientific & research works apart from individual diet consultations in various clinics in Kolkata, Siliguri, Ranchi, Patna, Mumbai & other cities.
Anyone seeking diet consultation or a customized diet plan, including exercises or other fitness plans, can contact us at the clinics or online at a very affordable fee without hesitation. Dt. Banerjee & the entire team are ready to help all of you. We are also interested in participating in health & nutrition-related talk shows, public speaking & all social & philanthropic cum charitable activities anywhere in India.
Please find the research profiles: ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5781-5436; Researchgate ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Swapan_Banerjee4; Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=yIcsuQoAAAAJ; Web of Science ID; https://publons.com/researcher/3512997/swapan-banerjee/; SSRN- Author ID- 4079523.
Ethical declaration:
All appointment bookings followed by diet consultation are confirmed and accomplished per our system and process. We have not run or promoted any business activities through paid services by any telehealth or web companies since our inception. Hence, all the feedback/reviews/comments visible on Google or other websites or third-party portals are completely provided spontaneously by the patients/patient parties. They are expressing their valuable feelings, satisfaction cum gratitude in their own words, which are as per ethical feedback protocol using their electronic device. Further, we regularly monitor fake/offensive reviews or comments on Google/other sites. Severe legal actions will be applied in this case. Dietitian Swapan Banerjee believes in quality and quality work. Therefore, he says, 'Unending Thanks to everyone for selecting the consultation. We are only happy when our patients are happy. Thanks to all. Speedy Recovery. God Bless You!!
For Appointment Booking - Patients/persons must follow these rules : (Pl. Read carefully the entire content) Proposed Draft.
1. All bookings should be 2-3 days before, irrespective of the appointment date.
2. Regarding weekdays, sometimes 1 day before or the same day by 10 am, booking can also be considered. Only Dietitian can change/reschedule/cancel an appointment subject to emergency/consideration/if found unsuitable/ violations of rules or disciplines. However, we intend to serve all the patients as soon as possible.
3. Patients can get quick & fully confirm the appointment in case of weekdays provided sufficient booking or dietitian’s availability to that chamber. For Saturday & Sunday, prior booking is a must due to little more nos. of appointments. For follow up/review visits to subsequent months, patients can contact directly over the phone to fix an appointment by manual SMS or by whats app - 9903167873 or Call 9123704150.
4. For timing, see our ‘CONTACT’ Page (subject to change time to time/ if emergency).
5. All bookings must be through SMS (*see below the information we need in SMS). SMS to 9903167873. Please retain all messages received by our end like address, appointment date, time, etc. SMS is the easiest & quickest way to communicate with our system. Without SMS no booking is possible. We also confirm & communicate most of the time by SMS.
6. Although, anyone can what’s app to the same no. 9903167873. Email can also be accessed post-consultation if required for receiving the Test Reports, and exercise lists.
7. All appointment booking must be genuine but not merely phone calls or sudden cancellations. Once canceled, no appointment booking is possible until the next 30 days. Only genuine bookings, please.
8. Cancellations or Failing to reach on time two times or more may permanently ban/ not allow any more booking or any further discussion.
9. Patients with their guardians are requested to reach the clinic on time (max.10 mins. can be deviated). Too early or late reaching may be a problem to manage subsequent patients or maybe unnecessary waiting outside.
10. Dietitian may leave the clinic or take over the next patient if the concerned patient is not reached on time as per schedule. Pl. avoid this kind of unwanted situation.(If no ‘next patient’ then the patient can manage by phone calls immediately if on the way to the chamber. This is a special consideration keeping note that a patient is always a top priority.
11. Patients are requested to come for the consultation with enough time min.1 hr. to 1.30hr as dietitian spare per patient this much of time for details discussion & all kinds of dietary advice with Diet Plan.
12. Patients are advised to send all Tests/ Diagnostic, Physicians prescriptions (If any) screenshots before visiting a clinic to that what’s the app number or preferably email for a better understanding of the issues to get better diet advice & even future monitoring cum help. No need if such reports are available; in this case, the dietitian will interpret on the basis of discussion with the patient analyzing all health issues from which she/she is suffering. Please note that all data received from patients/parties are completely safe and secured (as per the data protection act). The collected data may be used for academic/research purposes only subject to the consent of the participants (patients) and that is totally voluntary as well as prior intimated.
13. It’s always requested to every patient put his/her valuable feedback in Google or that particular company/Organization’s website (by login) from where he/she got the Dietitian as a source/Ref. We are also updating our website to receive this feedbacks where all can be viewed at a glance even at the global level.
14. Dietitian provides 4 pages i) Nutrient segregation & calorie calculation ii) present lifestyles, iii) foods allowed & not allowed, & finally, iv) Weekly Diet Plan (updated from time to time).
15. We have recently started to use some printed formats except for some customization parts as Diet Plans are variable patient to patient or disease/disorder-wise.
16. As per fees are concerned, all chambers fees are Rs 1000/- w.e.f 1st Jan,22 and the online fee is also the same. The fee is been charged per person per consultation inclusive of all (Diet-related). All must be paid in cash. In case, Paytm/Google pay/UPI is also available in Belgharia chamber/or payment by phone no. and bank charges are applied, if any. Pl. note: Rs 2000/- change usually not available. It’s appreciable to pay the exact fee after consultation checking from your side to avoid any future hazards.
17. For Online Consultation, we will send first a questionnaire format for the requirement of all necessary information from the patient’s side. At the same time, once received the prescribed fee (1000/-) along with the filled format with all required info. , the dietitian will start preparing the Diet plan. As this is an online system, there is one free follow-up (a few short queries) for all kinds of doubts/clearance within 3-7days of consultations. The patient can call within 48 hours for 15 min. or ask by email/what’s the app for some basic queries/anything uncovered
18. The patient is requested to come along with only one guardian who can understand the cooking/food preparation (maybe mother/father or sometimes self). For child/kids/under 18 patients, parents both can come or anyone who can understand the whole. More than one/two persons apart from the patient may be unnecessary or matter to accommodate in some of our small spaced-chamber.
19. Our Chambers: Belghoria chamber is open every day 10 am - 2 pm and 7 pm-10 pm. The Central chamber, Moulali, Gariahat/Garcha, and Shaymbazar 2 chambers are open after 4 pm in summer till 10 pm day and appointment times are scheduled. (up to the last patient). Dietitian is available or usually visits Siliguri, Patna, and Ranchi (either polyclinic or private) fortnightly or as per minimum nos. of patient booking. Some new chambers are going to launch very soon. See the ‘Contact’ page for more details.
20. Anyone who is interested to organize a free Diet Camp or is interested to help us with research/data collection may contact us without hesitation. We are always ready to help the community, rural or poor people, or local clubs, that wish to work on children or women (vulnerable sections). There are no charges except for some traveling costs. (see community page).
1.Patient’s Full Name : 2.Age : 3.M/F : 4. Address 3.Visit Date : (ex- 3rd April) 4. Prefer Time : [ (may change) : example- after 4pm Or 5pm -6pm ] 5.Prefer Chamber (ex- Shyambazar ) 6. Health issue – (ex- Overweight, Hypertension / Fatty Liver, Underweight, etc.). If any doubt then after SMS may call the given ph.no if no revert SMS/confirmation. Over the Phone, booking is also possible but prefer SMS to avoid dilemma/confusion to fix the appointment.
Pl. Note – a) 1 hr. slot provided to each person. b) In case of the dietitian is outstation then the first cum basis arrangement is done once he is available in the city & intimation will be sent accordingly by 2 days. c) No further appointment till 30-45days if canceled the same day or suddenly without intimation).d) Patients must clear all doubts/queries just after finishing the consultation same time or any issue related to handwriting; After the consultation, any query even can be cleared within 48 hours & after that not going to be responded to. e) More or precise customized/calorie/audit-based Diet Plan is chargeable extra due to so many hours of involvement for preparation that plan according to his/her every day /recipe /food item.
Wish You All The Best & Speedy Recovery - The patient is the priority
***(Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person)***
![]() Anup Age – 22 , Kolkata
I am doing my abs in Gym. Now gaining really !! (Disclaimer : result may vary from person to person) |
![]() Rajendra Agrwal Age – 55, Rajasthan
I am diabetic , obessed, I am now under control. (Disclaimer : result may vary from person to person) |
![]() Sriparna Age – 24 – Kolkata
I was actually underweight but now gaining weight. (Disclaimer: result may vary from person to person)
![]() Somenath Roy Chowdhury Age -48 -Dubai
I am under online consultation from Dubai (Disclaimer: result may vary from person to person) |
![]() Shubham Age -28 – Kolkata
I am from IT sector but very much underweight, now gaining fat (Disclaimer: result may vary from person to person) |
Papaya is tropical fruit. It is widely used as a vegetable at every kitchen. It has a plenty of wonderful benefits but at the same time few limitations for women.Anticarcinogenic property: Papaya is a good source of, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and flavonoids which prevent cancer.Prevents cholesterol oxidation: papaya prevents the oxidation of cholesterol as it contains antioxidants.Prevent lung inflammation:. Papayas have Vitamin A, which prevents lung inflammation.Helps in arginine production: dried papaya boosts endocrine system and helps to form arginine in the body.High fiber content: high dietary fiber in papaya absorbs toxins in the colon that prevent cancer and helps in bowel movement.Relief of menstrual cramps: papain in papaya regulates menstrual flow and ease the cramp.Weight reduction: papaya has only 120 calories. It will help you to lose weight,
Cucumber is a very demanding fruit for all seasons for everyone because of its lots of beneficial properties. It is easily available, cheap fruit with low calorie and fat. It can be taken as fruit, salad as well as used in cooking. Though it contains many antioxidants it has several health benefits like- It helps in brain development, increases memory, lowers risk of cancers, avoids bad breath, manages stress, eases digestion, manages weight, and lowers hypertension, migraine pain reliever. It is also used as good beauty remedy for skin and eyes to removes dark circles and puffiness.
It is very important to keep our immune system healthy as it helps us to fight against disease. Good lifestyle is a must to boost immunity. The lifestyle factors associated with the immune system’s fitness are- diets, exercise, sleep, stress, isolated life, lack of amusement, smoking and alcohol. The foods rich in Vit-C, E, D, B-6, Zinc, Bio-flavanoids, Selenium and Iron enhance our body’s immune system. Some boosters of immunity system are citrus fruit, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, turmeric, spinach, yogurt, almonds, green tea, papaya, kiwi, sunflower seeds, poultry and shell fish etc.
A sound Sleep is very helpful to everyone for a fresh positive mind and a disease free good health. Sleep deprivation is common in today’s youth because of tough competition in career and in adults, old age because of familiar stress and financial problems. Those who sleep less than 7 hours regularly may face the concentration, memory and learning problems and even their body is not able to repair cell damage. A quality sleep is very important to tackle stress, anxiety, depression, irritability, and other medical problems or even for absorption of medications.